I decided I'll do more frequent 'quick' posts to keep current on my where abouts. Full blown ride reports will continue as time allows.
In the week since landing back in Albany and reuniting with the bike, I have ridden south west mixing up interstate with scenic highways. A few highlights have been....
->Iron Blast Furnaces, farmers market, generous people of historic Scranton, Pennsylvania (PA)
-> sobering, enlightening horseback ride through the battlefields of Gettysburg, PA
-> the breathtakingly beautiful Skyline Drive through Shenandoah State Park, Virginia...100 miles of motorcycle road heaven!
-> continuing the motorcycle riding heaven down 100 miles of the famed (in some circles) Blue Ridge Parkway.... yes, this is where my motorcycle was lovingly mauled by a bear at 1 am... everyone was a'ok.. well, except for my sleepless night
As I write this in the McD's in Kingport, TN while a harley dude chats my ear off. When I'm done breakfast I head west west west toward New Mexico. I am meeting up with my Mom in Albuquerque next week to spend a week (in a car!) touring her favourite NM haunts.